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首页 期刊中心 生物期刊 植物生理与分子生物学学报期刊介绍(非官网)








出版语言: 中文







植物生理与分子生物学学报是由中国科学院上海生命科学研究院;植物生理生态研究所;中国植物生理学会主办的一本生物学学术期刊 ,自1964年创刊以来, 已经成为一本专注于基础科学研究的学术刊物。 该刊旨在深入挖掘并广泛传播生物学交叉融合领域的最新研究成果与创新思想。 该杂志以其独特的学术定位和专业视角,在生物学研究领域内树立了鲜明的旗帜,成为连接学者、研究者及行业专家的重要桥梁。 这本期刊专注于报道生物领域的最新研究成果。 在发文主题方面,该期刊主要关注基因、英文、胁迫、水稻、植物、小麦、叶片、幼苗、蛋白、细胞等领域的研究。


植物生理与分子生物学学报的研究成果得到了多个科研项目的资助支持,其中包括 国家自然科学基金(文献量282篇)、 国家重点基础研究发展计划(文献量83篇)、 国家高技术研究发展计划(文献量53篇)、 广东省自然科学基金(文献量24篇)、 国家教育部博士点基金(文献量18篇)、 浙江省自然科学基金(文献量16篇)、 江苏省自然科学基金(文献量14篇)、 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(文献量14篇)、 等。


  • 1Interaction of Heterotrimeric G-Protein Components with Receptor-like Kinases in Plants: An Alternative to the Established Signaling Paradigm?
  • 2Layered Defense Strategy Mediated by Rice E3 Ubiquitin Ligases against Diverse Pathogens
  • 3Shaping Small Bioactive Molecules to Untangle Their Biological Function: A Focus on Fluorescent Plant Hormones

    作者:Beatrice; Lace; Cristina; Prandi;   Department; of; Chemistry; University; of; Turin; Via; P.; Giuria; 7; 10125; Torino; Italy;

  • 4Role of UDP-Glucuronic Acid Decarboxylase in Xylan Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis

    作者:Beiqing; Kuang; Xianhai; Zhao; Chun; Zhou; Wei; Zeng; Junli; Ren; Berit; Ebert; Cherie; T.; Beahan; Xiaomei; Deng; Qingyin; Zeng; Gongke; Zhou; Monika; S.; Doblin; Joshua; L.; Heazlewood; Antony; Bacic; Xiaoyang; Chen; Ai-Min; Wu;   State; Key; Laboratory; for; Conservation; and; Utilization; of; Subtropical; Agro-bioresources; South; China; Agricultural; University; Guangzhou; 510642; China; Guangdong; Key; Laboratory; for; Innovative; Development; and; Utilization; of; Forest; Plant; Germplasm; College; of; Forestry; and; Landscape; Architecture; South; China; Agricultural; University; Guangzhou; 510642; China; ARC; Centre; of; Excellence; in; Plant; Cell; Walls; School; of; BioSciences; The; University; of; Melbourne; ParkviHe; VIC; 3010; Australia; State; Key; Laboratory; of; Pulp; and; Paper; Engineering; South; China; University; of; Technology; Guangzhou; 510640; China; Institute; of; Botany; The; Chinese; Academy; of; Science; Beijing; 100093; China; Qingdao; Institute; of; Bioenergy; and; Bioprocess; Technology; Chinese; Academy; of; Sciences; Qingdao; 266101; China; Joint; BioEnergy; Institute; and; Physical; Biosciences; Division; Lawrence; Berkeley; Nationa; Laboratory; Berkeley; CA; 94720; USA; Guangdong; Province; Research; Center; of; woody; forage; engineering; technology; Guangzhou; 510642; China; These; authors; have; contributed; equay; to; this; article.;

  • 5Development and Validation of a High-Density SNP Genotyping Array for African Oil Palm

    作者:Qi; Bin; Kwong; Chee; Keng; Teh; Ai; Ling; Ong; Huey; Ying; Heng; Heng; Leng; Lee; Mohaimi; Mohamed; Joel; Zi-Bin; Low; Sukganah; Apparow; Fook; Tim; Chew; Sean; Mayes; Harikrishna; Kulaveerasingam; Martti; Tammi; David; Ross; Appleton;   Biotechnology; &; Breeding; Department; Sime; Darby; Plantation; R&D; Centre; Selangor; 43400; Malaysia; Department; of; Biological; Sciences; National; University; of; Singapore; Singapore; 117543; Singapore; School; of; Biosciences; University; of; Nottingham; Sutton; Bonington; Campus; Nr; Loughborough; LE12; 5RD; UK;

  • 6DNA Damage-Induced Transcription of Transposable Elements and Long Non-coding RNAs in Arabidopsis Is Rare and ATM-Dependent

    作者:Zhenxing; Wang; Rainer; Schwacke; Reinhard; Kunze;   institute; of; Biology; -; Applied; Genetics; Dahlem; Centre; of; Plant; Sciences; -; DCPS; Freie; Universit~t; Berlin; Albrecht-Thaler-Weg; 6; 14195; Berlin; Germany; Forschungszentrum; JQlich; GmbH; Institute; of; Bio-; and; Geosciences; Plant; Sciences; (IBG-2); 52425; JQlich; Germany;

  • 73UVH2 and SUVH9 Couple Two Essential Steps For Transcriptional Gene Silencing in Arabidopsis

    作者:Yuqing; Jing; Han; Sun; Wei; Yuan; Yue; Wang; Qi; Li; Yannan; Liu; Yan; Li; Weiqiang; Qian;   State; Key; Laboratory; of; Protein; and; Plant; Gene; Research; Peking-TsJnghua; Center; for; Life; Sciences; School; of; Life; Sciences; Peking; University; Beijing; 100871; China; These; authors; contributed; equally; to; this; article.;

  • 8Identification of Regulatory DNA Elements Using Genome-wide Mapping of DNase I Hypersensitive Sites during Tomato Fruit Development

    作者:Zhengkun; Qiu; Ren; Li; Shuaibin; Zhang; Ketao; Wang; Meng; Xu; Jiayang; Li; Yongchen; Du; Hong; YU; Xia; Cui;   Key; Laboratory; of; Biology; and; Genetic; Improvement; of; Horticultural; Crops; of; the; Ministry; of; Agriculture; Sino-Dutch; Joint; Laboratory; of; Horticultural; Genomics; Institute; of; Vegetables; and; Flowers; Chinese; Academy; of; Agricultural; Sciences; Beijing; 100081; China; State; Key; Laboratory; of; Plant; Genomics; and; National; Center; for; Plant; Gene; Research; (Beijing); Institute; of; Genetics; and; Developmental; Biology; Chinese; Academy; of; Sciences; Beijing; 100101; China; These; authors; contributed; equally; to; this; article.;


一级发文领域名称 发文量
农业科学 334
生物学 314
文化科学 13
环境科学与工程 7
轻工技术与工程 2
经济管理 1
理学 1
医药卫生 1
二级发文领域名称 发文量
生物学 / 植物学 267
农业科学 / 作物学 190
农业科学 / 园艺学 105
农业科学 / 果树学 57
农业科学 / 蔬菜学 43
农业科学 / 植物保护 23
农业科学 / 农业昆虫与害虫防... 21
生物学 / 分子生物学 14
农业科学 / 林学 10
农业科学 / 林木遗传育种 8


主要发文机构名称 发文量
中国科学院上海生命科学研究院 76
浙江大学 61
南京农业大学 52
山东农业大学 47
中国科学院 28
山东师范大学 28
华南农业大学 24
中国科学院植物研究所 23
华中农业大学 20
中山大学 19
主要发文主题名称 发文量
基因 124
英文 91
胁迫 77
水稻 72
植物 68
小麦 57
叶片 46
幼苗 38
蛋白 36
细胞 35